Gore: The "quasi-hypnotic influence" of television
Interesting comments from big Al.Gore said democracy in America flourished at the height of the newspaper era, which "empowered the one to influence the many." That changed with the advent and...
View ArticleBribery in the Medicare vote?
That's what Slate is saying. They quote Robert Novak in the Sun-Times:On the House floor, Nick Smith was told business interests would give his son $100,000 in return for his father's vote. When he...
View ArticledKos issues
Just an FYI for anyone who catches this before it scrolls off the diary page -- dKos is having some database troubles today, and there may be unannounced outages from time to time while I try to figure...
View ArticledKos updates
I just changed the way dKos works behind the scenes to (hopefully) make it more efficient. It all seems to be working properly, but I can't test everything, so if you run into any strangeness or bugs,...
View Article9/11 hijacker Atta trained in Iraq?
That's what the Telegraph says.Iraq's coalition government claims that it has uncovered documentary proof that Mohammed Atta, the al-Qaeda mastermind of the September 11 attacks against the US, was...
View ArticleDean Angry?
Not angry enough, according to the Truman theory. Don't know if I buy it, but the article's very informative about Truman/Dewey and the '48 election.
View ArticleDemocratic Convention "Free Speech Zones"
I thought the other side were the ones in favor of "free speech zones." They say they're open to input. Please provide some.
View ArticleThis is pretty foul
Adbusters goes Jew hunting. Anyone who considered Adbusters a progressive organization might want to think again.
View ArticleYeesh
Sorry about the piss-poor site performance today folks. Now that the nightly stats have run, it's all become clear. About half of the total hits to the site in this young month have come from one...
View ArticleWelcome!
Sorry about the brief downtime. It was not a vast right-wing conspiracy, merely a server administration error during the changeover. Welcome to the new, more powerful than ever, dailykos server...
View ArticleDear Jane Mitakides
I wasted $40 on your campaign today. I wish I could get it back, since it was given under the misapprehension that you were still advertising on dKos because you had enough sense not to listen to the...
View ArticleIt could not be clearer
Debate, 10/13/2004BUSH: Gosh, I just don't think I ever said I'm not worried about Osama bin Laden. It's kind of one of those exaggerations.Press conference, 3/13/2002BUSH: ...I'll repeat what I said:...
View ArticleA political cartoon
I have an idea for a Social Security op-ed cartoon, but I have absolutely no artistic talent to make it actually exist. So, if anyone out there can draw but is lacking ideas, please consider stealing...
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